Human Trafficking Awareness Program


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A program to teach you & others about human trafficking.

This interactive, three session program is designed for both small groups and large audiences and is written for anyone over the age of 13.

Available in 13 versions & languages


A program to teach you & others about human trafficking.

This interactive, three session program is designed for both small groups and large audiences and is written for anyone over the age of 13.

Available in 13 versions & languages

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The Human Trafficking Awareness Program is written for ages 13+ and includes videos and a step-by-step facilitator guide with activites for both small and large group settings.



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Educate participants on the reality of modern-day slavery and A21's work to abolish it
Equip participants to recognize and report potential scenarios of human trafficking
Empower participants to impact their community and mobilize others to take action

Section One: Past to Present
Section Two: Reach to Restore
Section Three: Awareness to Action





This program consists of 3 sections that take approximately 1 hour each.

Target group:
Participant: written for anyone 13+
Facilitator: Designed for middle school and high school educators, guidance counselors, parents and guardians, community group leaders, universities and holiday club instructors

Delivery method:
Three sessions
Flexible and can be tailored according to the needs of the facilitators and participants
Each session takes approximately one hour




This program is currently available in English for the following countries:
USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Thailand

This program is currently translated for the following countries/regions:
Latin America, Spain, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Thailand, Norway, Netherlands


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To download the Human Trafficking Awareness program, please fill out the form below.


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Thank you for signing up to receive the Human Trafficking Awareness Program. We are so grateful for your passion to help raise awareness about human trafficking.

Below are the program files that you will need to get started. You will also receive these files in your email.


Download the program below:



To access the program videos and Can You See Me? scenarios that go alongside this program, click here. There are also facilitator training resources available here.


Facilitator Training Icon

Facilitator Training E-Course



Currently available in English


      Take the E-Course     



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